Tuesday, April 14, 2009

you don't need to fix my life

now I know I'm not the best student in my class. I'm very smart but Have trouble doing my homework. so in my english class I didn't finish a big paper so I proceed to do it in class as apose to a worksheet on SAT Prep. because I already took the sats and I didn't neeed to do that. so I diciede to do my work that was late. and even though I refused my teachers request to do the work I wasn't rude to here at all. but as ppl love to pass judgement they start verbal confronting me as if theyr'e standing up to a bully. and soon there after the entire class is basically haveing a roast about how much i suck at life. saying that I never work and that I'm rude to the teacher. they start telling that I don't want to graduate when clearly i do and that I'm worthless. even to the point where I left the room. which is something I never do. I just am fed up with ppl telling my what's wrong with my life. I know. I live it everyday. there's not so perfect either and just cuz my problems are more public. they get to treat me like I'm worthless?! no that's not how it works. there are so many thing that I find easy that's really hard to other. that's just the way of life. but ppl like me that have problems with things that are open to the world. it's just not fair! I don't deserve this. they have no Idea what they're talking about. sure I don't do all my work but that doesn't give them the right to tell me that how much I fail! what self ricious jerk ever has that right. there no better. I want ppl to get out of my life. they can't fix it by making me feel like crap. that's not they're job. I don't need them to tell me that I already have enough ppl telling me in special ed how stupid I am. I don't believe them obviously but I don't need it. I mean what do. somethimes i think what can I do to make them stop. but then I think what's the point. I shouldn't waste my time trying to prove my self to some glorified pompus morons!!
Don't hate me I'm not special like you. I'm tired and I'm so alone
Don't fight me!! I know u'll never care!
that's just an excerp from a porcupine tree.

you don't need to fix my life

Monday, December 8, 2008


well this is just a start. there are plenty of good music sources out there. music that is very well written. but why are people still listening to the crap that mainstream is shoveling out. it's not that it's band. but it's just that people think that it's the best music it the world when it clearly isn't. if people actually looked for good music. they would find that the music that they listen to is not well made. in fact, it's horribly made. popular music is no more than I declaration to the high school world that "hey I'm not different" that's not what music is about. it's ment to inspire and and to brightin that soul. now don't think that I'm saying that rock-n-roll is bad. I listen to metal all the time. what I'm raging about is the mainstream music that is being glorified in the place of great musicians. that's it for now but i'll post more later
. peace love and silver metals!